Sunday, March 21, 2010

Greater Boston Kimchi Festival Winners

The First Annual Greater Boston Kimchi Festival has concluded!

Twenty-one kimchis entered the contest, and as I said during the awards ceremony, I would have been psyched to have had any of them on my dinner plate next to my favorite barbequed something. I was thrilled with the event.

Here are the award-winners:
  • Best Professional Kimchi: Jum Nam of Shabu Ya Restaurant, Cucumber Kimchi
  • Most Innovative: Il Sun Jeon, Fruit Kimchi
  • Most Innovative: Didi Emmons, Lemon Kimchi
  • Best Traditional Cabbage: Tom Novotny, Kiss Me Kimchi
  • Best Traditional Non-Cabbage: Patricia Yu, Radish Kimchi
  • Best In Show: Patricia Yu, Radish Kimchi
Thank you again to everyone who entered and everyone who attended.

A HUGE thank-you to the community of the Theodore Parker Church, who lent their space, their tables, and most of all, their time and energy to this event. Without their work, the Greater Boston Kimchi Festival would truly never have happened.
I would also like to acknowledge the other organizers, Cora Roelofs, Steve Greene, and Phil Paik of JP Seafood. It was a fantastic experience working with such passionate, like-minded people to help realize our vision of the Greater Boston Kimchi Festival.


Marianne Elixir said...

Glad to hear the event went well! It inspires me to do something similar to help promote real food here. If you get a chance, I'd appreciate any information you can share about how you organize it and what guidelines you give entrants.

Marianne Elixir said...

I just realized that you posted most of the details in other posts! Silly me.

Alex Lewin said...

LOL. Marianne, no worries at all. For anyone else who's reading: If you go to and keep scrolling down, you can see all the guidelines we've posted.

As far as organizing it goes...

We had the GREAT good fortune of being associated with the Theodore Parker Church, which provided a TREMENDOUS group of volunteers, without which a lot of organizational tasks would have been quite painful. Beyond that, they provided an excellent main space for the event, a professional kitchen for our kimchi-making demos, an extra room for miscellaneous activities, and so on.

My advice to any would-be kimchi festival organizers: If possible, find a community that wants to support your festival, and do it as a benefit for their organization.

Anonymous said...

Glad your kimchi festival was a success :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Alex for hosting this event, it was really fun and we had a great time. Looking forward to the next festival!

Marlon from the 'Choe Mama Team!'

linda said...

oooh, somehow i missed the lemon kimchi, i see! this was a wonderful event and i really hope you're planning to do it again. i will be plotting my ingredients all year long ;)

Anonymous said...

Shabu-Ya is the best all-around!! Everyone should go to Harvard Square and check it out

Anonymous said...

Patricia Yu's radish kimchi was outstanding. Great festival, and the kimchi we made at home this week turned out great. Thanks Alex!

Alex Lewin said...

I can't wait for next year :-)

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