Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Kimchi Festival In The News: Boston Globe

With a week and a half to go before the Greater Boston Kimchi Festival, the Boston Globe have covered it, on page 10 of the Food section (and also on their web site). Click here to see their article, A spicy cabbage pitch!

For full details on the Kimchi Festival, including how to enter your kimchi in the contest and how to get an early-bird discount, go to


theszak said...

Around the Cambridge area where can you get natto and how is it served?...

Alex Lewin said...

Zak, I'm pretty sure you can get it in the freezer case at Reliable Market in Union Square, Somerville. Not sure about Lotte Market in Cambridge. Definitely available at H-Mart in Burlington.

I don't know of any restaurants that serve it around here.

Generally, it's mixed with a dab of mustard and soy sauce, and eaten with rice. Sometimes you'll see it in a makizushi (sushi roll).

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