Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Max Kane, Raw Milk Activist, Wins Important Victory

Justice was served yesterday in Wisconsin—or at least it will be allowed to run its course.

Max Kane, a raw milk activist, was served a court order to provide information about private trade in which he had been involved, trade which is not regulated by the law. He filed a Motion of Appeal, and a Motion for Stay of Order Pending Appeal. The purpose of these orders was to have a higher court consider the case. The state, realizing that Max was not going to roll over for them, decided that Max was an "immediate danger to the public" and filed a Motion to Compel, which would have put him in jail before his appeal could be heard. This is quite unusual for a man whose purported crime was nonviolent had to do with food.

To make things worse, he has two children, his wife is pregnant, they don't have a lot of financial security, and they could all become homeless if he goes to jail.

Yesterday morning, the Court denied the State's Motion to Compel, and granted Max's Motion for Stay of Order Pending Appeal. This doesn't mean that he is off the hook; it merely means that he doesn't have to go to jail while he is appealing his case.

Check out Max's website here, and hear it straight from Max here.

Read what Kimbery Hartke had to say about it here.

Max Kane was interviewed yesterday on the Doug Stephan show. To listen to it, click here, then click on "Doug Stephan's Good Day - 4-20-10 H2". The interview is broken into parts. The parts run from 11:30-14:10, 17:50-21:20, 27:00-43:05.

For previous coverage of Max on this blog, click here.


Craig Hickman said...

How is it possible that you and I have ended up in much the same place?

I'm linking to you right now.

Alex Lewin said...

It's a small world, my friend. I look forward to reconnecting.

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