Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Boston Raw Milk Rally And Hearing (Guest Post By Max Kane)

By guest blogger Max Kane of Wisconsin
Photos by Alex Lewin


An affirmative message was sent to food regulators around the U.S. as a raw milk freedom rally, centered at the Boston Common (a park area in downtown Boston), proved that unprocessed food supporters have the courage to stand up for their Rights. A large group of activists, from as far west as California, joined a pure jersey cow named Suzanne to show opposition against the cease-and-desist orders issued by MDAR (Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources) to MA raw milk buying clubs. Suzanne, belonging to a herd owned by popular talk radio host Doug Stephan, stood patiently across the street from the state capitol building while thirsty people lined up to milk her. California's celebrity/rock-star raw dairy farmer Mark McAfee was first in line for the milking.

[left to right in foreground: Doug Stephan, Max Kane, Suzanne, Mark McAfee] 

McAfee did not hesitate to quickly summon Max Kane of Wisconsin to "grab the other side of the bag". McAfee and Kane were squeein' away while giving an oral explanation of milking to the media. A dozen cameras captured the event as the line for fresh warm milk continued to grow. Many others jumped on the "handles" to milk. Signs and banners proclaiming farm freedom and consumer rights circled the event as a hired band provided music. Inspiring speeches led by Mark McAfee, Max Kane, and David Gumpert iced the rally's cake.

The supportive crowd paused for a picture in front of the capitol building, and then continued to march to a scheduled MDAR milk hearing two blocks away. The hearing's purpose was to receive public comment on newly proposed milk regulations in MA. With hopes to avoid getting a good old-fashioned education at their own hearing, MDAR pulled some of the language from the proposed regulations only days before the hearing. The bait-and-switch had no effect, as farm to consumer freedom supporters packed the hearing and overflow rooms anyway. 

[raw milk drinkers provide feedback to Commissioner Soares]

The main room erupted in applause after each testimony. Despite the fact that MDAR removed language, the department still maintained that the buying clubs are illegal. This leaves the issue somewhat unresolved as MDAR has yet to retract the cease-and-desist orders they issued.

[Ed: Max Kane is an outspoken citizen-activist from Wisconsin. He has stood up for his rights on numerous occasions, even at great personal risk. I have blogged about Max and his story here.]


Alex@amoderatelife said...

I love it! tweeting to my readers! I can only imagine how folks in the commons reacted! this is GREAT!!!

Alex Lewin said...

Yes, it was quite a scene. Boston Globe and Fox News were there too. Good video here: http://www.boston.com/news/local/massachusetts/gallery/Cowsonthecommon?pg=7

RawRoger said...

It was great, so was all the people who gave testimony @ the meeting, I only Hope Soares retracts his cease-desist orders

mark mcafee said...


Yesterday was a sentinel event...

Cows eating and munching grass on the Commons as we all testified about the loss of the American immune system and how raw milk rebuilds immune systems and our farms and our tortured economy at the same time.

This is the most American and patriotic thing anyone could have done on a Monday morning in Boston.

Michelle Obama....please hear this....

This is our version of "economic stimulous" and "real health care" all rolled into one....with out one dime of money from the feds.

Mark McAfee
Founder OPDC

tom said...

BRAVO...wish I was there!!! You guys are heros! Liberty for all!! Keep fighting everyone because before long the only food we will have to eat is that which we grow at the rate that our Fed govenment is bankrupting this country!!

The Gastronomic Goddess said...

Wow, this is so awesome! I was cheering everyone from down here in Pennsylvania! :)

Livingstone Conant said...

This is great! Cool to see this kind of stuff going on in the city! Keep this topic flowing bro...

Anonymous said...

A quote from a friend: Teats and ass may eat my grass, but a mad cow will never hurt me!

Alex Lewin said...

Livingstone, I have kept the topic flowing, as requested:


Would love to meet up and discuss life over a glass of raw milk some time. Cheers.

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