Friday, March 6, 2009

Future of Food conference at Boston University, May 8-9

On May 8-9, 2009, Boston University is hosting a conference entitled The Future of Food: Transatlantic Perspectives featuring a rousing roster of speakers, film screenings, meals, and opportunities to meet fascinating people, including Sandor Ellix Katz, international fermentation expert and author of my favorite book, The Revolution Will Not Be Microwaved! Cost: probably free Conference URL: And if that's not fantastic enough: there are rumors that Sandor Ellix Katz will be giving a fermentation workshop during the day on May 9. Here's from the site:
We are organizing this conference in response to the growing concerns of local communities in the United States and Europe over matters of health, the environment, and the economy. The conference takes the growing global food crisis as a starting point and asks key stakeholders to imagine a different future. Our working hypothesis is that the current food crisis is systemic in nature and solutions from the past (more market, more regulation, etc.) will not allow the global food system to evolve in a sustainable way. The situation calls for innovations in infrastructure and re-thinking how food is grown, shipped, and distributed locally, regionally, and globally. How can we foster a global food system that safeguards cultural and biodiversity while providing safe and nourishing food for all citizens?

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