Thursday, June 4, 2009

Bikes Not Bombs

And now for something completely different… Well, not completely. I'm writing to ask for your support. I am riding my bike in a bike-a-thon to support a Boston-based non-profit called Bikes Not Bombs. It's a fantastic organization. Here's part of what they have to say about themselves: Bikes Not Bombs promotes bicycle technology as a concrete alternative to war and environmental destruction. They do it both in the US and elsewhere. Click here for more info, and to pledge money for my bike-a-thon Last year I raised over $2000 (out of a total of $100,000 raised). The economic times have changed, and things may or may not go as well this year, but every little bit helps. I can make it relate to food if I have to:
  • One of the things they do is support the conversion of bicycles into human-driven milling machines, grinders, and blenders for grains, coffee, cacao, etc.
  • More bikes = fewer cars = less pollution, plus less arable land used for ethanol and biodiesel and more used for growing food
  • More bikes = easier to transport water = possible to grow food
and so on.

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