Thursday, July 9, 2009

Want Raw Milk Delivered To Your Doorstep?

Do you want raw milk delivered to your doorstep in Cambridge or Somerville? Or to some other neighborhood, perhaps? If so, please read on.

A friend brought to my attention a new raw milk buyers' club:

Mr. Tarzan (aka

100% grass-fed organic raw milk in glass bottles ($4.50 per half-gallon, no mention of deposit), grass-fed yogurt, and free-range organic duck eggs, delivered to your door. No membership fee, $2.50 delivery charge per order. If you are consuming small-to-moderate quantities of raw milk, this is significantly more affordable than existing raw milk clubs.

Here's the catch: At the moment they plan to deliver within a 15-minute radius of Waltham, MA. Unfortunately, my neighborhood of Cambridge/Somerville falls just outside that radius.

I've communicated with Mr. Tarzan himself (Mel Oktay) and told him that I thought I could drum up sufficient demand in Cambridge and Somerville.

My request:

If you live in Cambridge or Somerville and you would use such a service, please LEAVE A COMMENT BELOW indicating how much milk you might order per week, and approximately where you live (neighborhood or major intersection is fine if you don't want to leave your home address). Leave contact info, if you like; or when you leave your comment, set it so that you will receive email notification of follow-up comments.

If enough folks leave comments, then it will be worth Mel's while to deliver to us!

Watch this space for an update.


Alex Lewin said...

Central Square, Cambridge
2 half-gallons of milk per week
2 quarts of yogurt per week
eggs once in a while

FosterSJC said...

Inman Square, Cambridge
Each week:
1-2 half gallons milk
1 quart yogurt
1 dozen eggs

kcecca said...

Central Sq, Cambridge
2 half-gallons of milk per week
eggs once in a while

posting to our facebook page...

Anonymous said...

Porter Square, Cambridge
2 half-gallons milk
1-2 quarts yogurt
half dozen eggs

Unknown said...

I wonder if he would be interested in teaming up with Metro Pedal Power for the Cambridge / Boston area deliveries? We may even be able to offer delivery to our existing CSA customers...

Anonymous said...

Porter Square, Cambridge
2 half-gallons milk
half dozen eggs

Ruby Gillis said...

Equidistant from Harvard and Central Squares
2 Half-gallons of milk per week
1 Half-dozen eggs per week

Unknown said...

As an alternative to having milk delivered, I am interested in joining/starting a group in Cambridge where members would take turn driving out to Misty Brook Farm to purchase organic raw milk. The idea of visiting the farm in person (just not every week) is very appealing to me. If you know of such a group or would want to join one, please contact me (Caroline) at: Thanks!

trapezeboy said...

One half-gallon per week
Occasional eggs

This sounds HEAVENLY!!! I'll start spreading the word!!

trapezeboy said...

Woops, Central Square, Cambridge.

Anonymous said...

central sq
dozen eggs/wk
half gal milk every 2 weeks
yogurt monthly

Unknown said...

inman square
1-2 half gallons milk every week
eggs occasionally

thismichael said...

Between Central and Harvard Squares, Cambridge, just off Mass. Ave.
3-4 half gallons milk/week
1 dozen chicken eggs/week
32 oz yogurt once/2 weeks
Duck eggs on occasion (never used them before, but I'd like to try!)

Lauren Mayhew said...

Near Union Square.
1-2 half gallons milk/week
1/2 dozen eggs per week
16 oz yogurt once/2 weeks

Saralsbeth said...

Between Inman and Porter Square
1-2 gallons milk/week

Lisa said...

1 half gallon milk / 2 weeks
1 quart yogurt/ 2 weeks
eggs sometimes (haven't tried duck before, interested in trying them)
if cheese available i would be interested in that also
b/n porter/ davis square

Alex Lewin said...

Hi folks,

I heard from Mr. Tarzan. They are going to wait at least until the end of the summer before expanding to Cambridge/Somerville.

Watch this space for more info. I'll definitely make more noise if/when they start serving my neighborhood.

Obsessiondujour said...

I know this is a pretty old post, and I hate to bug you about something so old, but I was wondering if you have any contact information regarding the Mr Tarzan milk co-op, or whether they ever expanded into the Cambridge/Somerville area. I was a member of a Someville co-op that disbanded a year or so ago, and have looked at the Cambridge yahoo group option, but was hoping that a more convenient delivery option might have opened up for us in this neighborhood? Any info you have would be greatly appreciated.


Tavi said...

Hi Alex - a little late to the party. Inman/Union square, woud be interested in raw milk, yogurt, etc. Is it available now?

Alex Lewin said...

Hi Obsessiondujour and Tavi:

I'm afraid your best bet may be to start your own group with a few friends, or to find your way out to Foxboro or Framingham when you can (or grab some on your way through Maine, NH, or CT).

Even if I knew more, I wouldn't post it hear, because They Might Be Listening.

Drop me an email with your phone number if you want to chat.

Anonymous said...

Mass Ave @ churhill just north of Porter Sq.

I would buy:

1 Gallon of Milk
1 quart of Cream (if I could get it)
1 Pound of Butter
18 Eggs

per week. Contact me if you get this going.

Alex Lewin said...

Hi anonymous,

I'm not planning on starting a buying club in Cambridge any time soon. You'd do well to look around beyond this blog.

Good luck!

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