Friday, November 13, 2009

Pictures From Weston A. Price Wise Traditions Conference 2009

Some sourdough pancakes with your butter? Breakfast, Sally Fallon-style! A bit of an exaggeration—she says she has a mere 4 tablespoons of butter (half a stick) with her oatmeal in the morning.

Cod liver oil gummy fish. By far the best-tasting cod liver oil I've found (and the worst-tasting gummy fish).

Scott Gryzbek and his new line of Zukay lactofermented vegetable juices. They are much less salty than typical beet kvass, for example.

Weston A. Price lunch: Organ meat sausages, local raw milk cheddar, chicken cacciatore of known origin (MOKO), lactofermented carrots, and sourdough garlic bread. Deeelicious. (There was other stuff, too...)


nika said...

Saw pics of you in the twitstream of images coming out of the conference and I was excited to say - hey I know him! :-)

Hope you have an excellent time!

Nika (from Canvolution days)

Anonymous said...

I wish I could have gone! (I'm Australian) I've just discovered Sally Fallon & Weston Price and love them! So far I have managed to do away with vegetable oils and margarine, make my own yogurt from raw milk, and get enough good fats from the green pastures cod liver oil & high vitamin butter oil. I agree it tastes gross. I want to start getting into the lactofermented stuff. Will be keeping up with you great blog, cya!

Alex Lewin said...

Nika, thanks! Next year is just west of Philadelphia--believe me, it will be worth the trip. And Pennsylvania is a raw milk state...there's no telling what will go on!

Alex Lewin said...


I'm so glad that you've found Sally Fallon & Weston Price. When I first read Nourishing Traditions, I immediately felt that it was ENTIRELY different from the pop-nutrition books I had been reading for a long time. And the Weston A. Price Foundation is a noble organization with several worthwhile goals.

As far as lactofermenting goes: please check the stuff right here on my blog--videos of me doing it, and a write-up of an awesome talk I went to. I recommend

If you still want more, you can check out Sandor Ellix Katz's great book on the subject:

For more coverage of the conference, check the "wapfconf" hashtag on twitter:

Spread the WAPF love!


Anonymous said...

Thanks Alex!!!

lydia said...

I found your site from Kelly the Kitchen Kops blog. I am curious to know what the brand is of cod liver oil gummy fish, I'd love to get my hands on some of those! Thanks!

Alex Lewin said...


The gummy fish are Green Pasture's brand. Their product page is here:

It doesn't look like the gummy fish are on the site yet...but you can definitely call them and ask them about availability!

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