Saturday, January 16, 2010

Lionette's Market Sold; Jamey's "Last Diatribe"

Lionette's Market—the Boston retailer offering the greatest variety of local, grass-fed meats, plus excellent assortments of local cheeses and produce—has been sold. The new owners, the Otto family, plan to continue to carry the same sorts of products.

Jamey Lionette announced the sale via email. Along with the announcement, he included a "diatribe" (his word). If you like the flavor of his writing, you can read more in Manifestos on the Future of Food and Seed, which also includes excellent essays by Prince Charles, Carlo Petrini (the founder of Slow Food), Vandana Shiva (an outspoken food activist), and others. Here's the last bit of Jamey's diatribe:
We must pay the real prices for real food.  Cheap food, like our decadent-climate-burning-lifestyles will be gone in our lifetime.  How?  Either because our planet is no longer suitable for humans to live on it, because of civil unrest, or because we decide to live a sustainable lifestyle instead of a decadent one.  We know the first option will happen, and soon.  As much as we want to deny or ignore it, we are in the 11th hour in our planet’s future with climate change and pollution.  As for the second option, we saw a small glimpse of that almost two years ago when there was civil unrest and food riots in 3 dozen countries around the world.  As for the latter, let’s hope we can get it together.  It seems to be the best option.  But for sure, no one will every live a more decadent lifestyle and eat as much crap food as our present society is.  The question is how will it be stopped?  — Jamey Lionette

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