Farmers' market season has begun here in Boston!
To find local markets, check the boston localvores. This site has a great interactive Google map, so you can zoom in on the locations you're interested in, and click to get opening times.
There are some other sites that can provide you with further details about markets, such as vendor names, products, and WIC/Senior Coupons. None of these sites is perfect. The Northeast Harvest site has partial, but not complete, vendor and product lists. The Federation of Massachusetts Farmers Markets site has a little more information but is difficult to use. The MDAR site has the WIC/Senior Coupon information, but has not yet been updated for 2010.
Having said that, allow me to draw your attention to two markets in particular:
The City Hall Plaza Farmers' Market is open Mondays and Wednesdays, 11AM-6PM, from now through November 24. (After November 7, it closes at 5PM.) Here's a map. Here's a vendor list. Here's a product list (note: to get the complete product list, you must scroll to the bottom of the screen and click on the "Change Page" links).
The Boston Public Market at Dewey Square is open Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:30AM-6:30PM, from now through November 23. Map. Vendors. Products.
(Note that both of these markets include vendors selling Meat Of Known Origin.)
Why do I mention these markets in particular?
I mention these markets because they are managed by an organization I'm involved with, the Boston Public Market Association. Our goal is to create an indoor, year-round public market selling food from local farmers and producers. By helping to make our summer farmers' markets successful, you are furthering our ultimate goal of providing year-round, full-time availability of local food to the Boston area.
To learn more, please visit our web site, and email us to join our mailing list.
I am very excited about the opening day of the Roslindale Village Farmers' Market is this Saturday, June 5, 2010 from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. It is held every Saturday in Adams Park at the intersection of Washington St and Cummins in Roslindale Village.
There will be entertainment for everyone and children's activities.
Featuring up to 22 weekly vendors including 7 farms, the market will provide fresh, locally grown foods, support our local economy, local agriculture and local artists and vendors.
Check it out at
I can't wait for my market to open on Saturday (Union Square, Somerville)! I like what you're doing, and I'll have to look into that organization.
I'll have to check out Roslindale. I am down that way from time to time...
Union Square is probably the second-closest to my house. Great market. Love Stillman's. Great nursery right there, too.
Thanks for commenting.
If you are in/near Roslindale on a Saturday you owe it to yourself. They have great stuff. This year Allandale Farm is joining. They are Boston's oldest farm.
The market also has farmers selling fresh meat and cheeses. There are also local artists.
Stillman's is great. I used to pick up a lot of my stuff from them at City Hall when I worked downtown. Maybe they will come to Roslindale soon. They would do great!
... and here some pictures from the Dewey Square Market:
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