Friday, June 18, 2010

Urban Homesteaders' League

For the past year or so, the Urban Homesteaders' League and its leader Lisa Gross have been hosting, co-hosting, and publicizing a variety of cool events in the Boston area—things like urban livestock workshops, food foraging, cheesemaking, skill-shares of various sorts, film screenings, and so on. They have a very active meetup group here. If you're interested in hearing about Boston-area sustainability events, their calendar is hard to beat.

From their website:
The Urban Homesteaders’ League ( is a community venture based in Cambridge, MA dedicated to inspiring and empowering individuals and communities to shift from a lifestyle of passive consumption to one of active participation, creation, and connection. We are committed to re-imagining the good life as one that is meaningful, pleasurable, environmentally sustainable, and socially just. We place the home at the center of that pursuit and see it as a site for personal and societal transformation.
Their latest undertaking is The Urban Homesteaders' League Market Stand—so that they can participate in a series of farmers' markets this summer. They're raising money for it through kickstarter here. You can keep up with the latest news about the Market Stand on the UHL blog page, here.

All of this is worth a look for anyone around Boston who's interested in sustainability—or anyone who is interested in building something similar in their own community!

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