Friday, September 17, 2010

Akimenko Meats, Neighborhood Butcher, Coming To Inman Square, Cambridge

I was very excited when I learned that someone was opening a butcher shop selling Meat Of Known Origin half a mile from my house.

That someone is Vadim Akimenko. His shop will be at 1164 Cambridge Street, and is scheduled to open in November.

I had the pleasure of talking with him a few days ago. I will detail our conversation in a future post. In the meantime, for a little taste of what he's about, here's how he characterized his mission on his kickstarter page:

Akimenko Meats strives to bridge the gap between the city dweller and our local farmers. Our commitment to our neighbors is to bring in local, organic, and sustainable products while supporting the local agricultural community, building customer awareness, ultimately aiding our local economy.

Akimenko Meats will deal primarily with farms in a 250 mile radius and whole animals. To help make Akimenko Meats more sustainable we will offer house made charcuteries and stocks, making use of the whole animal. Our ultimate goal is to make local and sustainable meats available to all walks of life and year round. Akimenko Meats does not believe that eating with an ethical conscience should be a privilege that only the wealthy can afford.


David said...

Do you think he'd be interested in being a distributor for _kosher_ MOKO?

MMO said...

Speaking of house made charcuteries, my friend has recently made this "pastirma" (beef that has been dried with salt, and afterwards treated with spice paste). It was simply delicious! :)

Rachel said...

That is so wonderful!! I especially appreciate the following statement:

"Akimenko Meats does not believe that eating with an ethical conscience should be a privilege that only the wealthy can afford."

For that alone, I'll support his business.


Anonymous said...

What happened with Akimenko Meats? We were very excited about it and thought it was underway, but it is now December 2011 and never opened. Still hoping....

Alex Lewin said...

My understanding is that he wasn't able to get the financing he needed to open his shop. But he's still around, and I'm quite certain that we haven't heard the last from him...

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