Friday, October 29, 2010

Wise Traditions 2010 Conference

This year's Weston A. Price Foundation Wise Traditions Conference starts two weeks from today, in King of Prussia, Pennsylvania.

I went to the conference last year in Schaumburg, IL, and it blew me away. Really. It played a very significant role in helping to shape and refine my thoughts about food and health and nutrition.

Check out the list of presentations for this year's conference. Then check out the food menu. I pretty much guarantee that this is the best conference food you will ever find. I can offer a couple of explanations. First of all, a huge amount of the food is donated by sponsors who want to showcase their great natural products. Second of all, traditional food lends itself well to large-scale preparation. Stews, braises, charcuterie, and fermented foods are pretty durable…

If you are coming from far away, it may be a little late to get flights/hotels/etc, although there is a forum on the website for rideshares and roomshares.

You can register for the whole thing, or day-by-day.

-----> To register, click here.  <-----

I'll be there, along with lots of other Real Food Media bloggers. Let me know if you'll be there and would like to meet up and chat over some liverwurst!


Raine Saunders said...

Hi Alex - looking forward to meeting you and all the other bloggers at the conference - I am so excited, words cannot even describe...and it's less than two weeks away! :)

Nourishing Nancy said...

Hi Alex! Wonderful meeting you at the conference! It was an amazing gathering. Really. Meeting people like yourself, and going to the conference, keep my education on healthy foods current. Thanks!

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