Thursday, September 15, 2011

Important Documentary Farmageddon Opening In Boston Tomorrow Night

Kristin Canty, a Concord, MA native and friend of mine, has made an important documentary film called Farmageddon. It is about small farmers and individuals who raise animals and make food according to their beliefs about what is healthy and right, and it is also about state and federal authorities who try to stop them.

It is amazing and horrifying to watch guns-drawn SWAT-style raids, property seizures and destructions, and expensive long-term surveillance on people who have committed no crimes--at most, they are doing things that are not covered by existing regulations.

Trailer, national screening schedule, etc. here.

Boston opening night is tomorrow, with events to follow:


Saturday event


Monday event

Please spread the word.


Mrs. Ed said...

You've been tagged. You don't have to do anything, just wanted to let you know:

Alex Lewin said...

Cheers, Mrs. Ed!

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