Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Real Food Fermentation Amazon Bestseller Campaign Worked!

We publicized Real Food Fermentation massively yesterday. The goal was to get a lot of Amazon.com orders within a short period of time, so that the book would jump up in Amazon's rankings and attract other buyers.

It worked extremely well. I was thrilled with the results!

With your help, Real Food Fermentation climbed as high as:

#1 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Special Diet > Healthy
#1 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Canning & Preserving
#1 in Books > Cookbooks, Food & Wine > Vegetables & Vegetarian
#1 in Movers & Shakers in Books
#1 in Hot New Releases in Cookbooks, Food & Wine
#1 in Hot New Releases in Special Diet Cooking
#1 in Hot New Releases in Canning & Preserving
#1 in Hot New Releases in Vegetables & Vegetarian Cooking
#3 in Hot New Releases in Diets & Weight Loss
#5 in Hot New Releases in Health, Fitness & Dieting
#18 in Hot New Releases in Books
#59 in Books

I don't even know what other categories exist on Amazon, where else the book might show up, or whether the above numbers were the absolute peaks. Amazon lists are hard to navigate.

Anyway, a big thank you to everyone, especially those of you who were able to buy the book.

And HUGE thanks to blogging compadres who supported me by reviewing or mentioning it:

My publicity plan consisted of the following:
  • Asking a few fellow bloggers to look at the book, and do reviews if they were moved to. (More coming…)
  • Stepping up my own blogging
  • Emailing EVERYONE I know. Really. Twice. At least. In the process of this, I discovered that a good quarter of my address book no longer worked. I also discovered that gmail cuts you off if you send too many emails too quickly!
  • Facebooking and tweeting vigorously throughout the day—and trying to reply or respond to every interaction that anyone had with me.
To be continued…


Ann Marie @ CHEESESLAVE said...

Great news!!! Congratulations. It's a fabulous book.

Alex Lewin said...

Thanks Ann Marie!!

Kelly the Kitchen Kop said...

Can't wait to get my copy that I ordered last night at 11:59 pm, seriously! When I remembered I RAN back to my computer so I could squeak in before midnight, LOL!


Cat said...

I can't wait to rediscover ancestral food preservation techniques in your book! Just linked to you in my Real Food Wednesday blog post!

Jeanmarie said...

I too ordered last night (or was it very early this morning??), can't wait to get it. Congratulations on the great start!

Alex Lewin said...

Thanks Kelly! That's funny. I think an hour or two either way doesn't make a difference...it's a sliding window kind of thing. Thanks again for contributing to the smashing first day!

Alex Lewin said...

Cat, thank you so much! I need to be way mroe organized, and post my stuff in the blog carnivals. It's hard for me to remember...mind like sieve sometimes...

Alex Lewin said...

Jeanmarie, thanks for your order! I very much hope you enjoy the book.

Anonymous said...

hiya :) your book is being "pinned" on Pinterest-

Alex Lewin said...

(Thanks for pinning me, Anonymous!)

hjs said...

hope you can answer a question for me. i have your book. started my first batch of sauerkraut in mason jars. lost most of the liquid on first examination. little liquid left...what to do? thanks.

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