Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Real Food Fermentation On Tour

Real Food Fermentation is on tour—a physical tour and a blog tour!

The next stop on the physical tour is at 6PM, Thursday, November 8 at Omnivore Books in San Francisco. Omnivore is a fantastic food-focused independent book store. If you're in the area, please stop by! Full details here.

As for the blog tour…

Every day for the next couple of weeks, someone different will be blogging about my book! Today, Melissa over at Real Food Eater made this awesome post. Head on over, pick up a free recipe excerpted from my book, and put your name in the hat to win one of two free copies of Real Food Fermentation!


heather said...

Would love you to come to Alaska.

Alex Lewin said...

If you'd like to send me some tickets, I'd love to visit! Seriously, how's the real food scene up there? When I was in Anchorage it felt sort of like Pacific Northwest (which I suppose it is) in terms of the connection to nature and all that.

diary of a tomato said...

Mentioned your excellent book in a post this summer: http://diaryofatomato.com/2012/08/20/8-20-12-summer-in-a-jar/

Alex Lewin said...

Thanks @diary!

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