Saturday, December 5, 2009

I Am Teaching A Food Preserving Class, Feb 9 & Feb 16 2010

Coming up:
Click here to register
    Here's the course description:
    Since the start of recorded history, humans have been preserving food. Refrigeration and freezing have become popular recently, but many interesting alternatives exist.

    During class 1, we will explore some or all of the following topics: fermentation of vegetables and fruits (including sauerkraut, pickled root vegetables, kimchi, preserved lemons, etc.); cucumber pickles, relishes, and chutneys; brined meat (corned beef); preserved dairy (yogurt, ricotta cheese); kombucha; salting and drying (dried fruit, dried vegetables, dried meats, potato chips); etc.. Along the way, we will discuss food history; food safety; knife skills; and seasoning.

    During class 2, one week later, we will prepare dishes, using some of the preserved foods from class one as ingredients. Menu items may include corned beef reuben sandwiches (with sauerkraut and/or kimchi); traditional Alsatian choucroute; a variety of canapés using chutneys and kimchi; lactofermented cole slaw; broiled chicken with preserved lemons and herbs; baked ricotta; kombucha-poached scallops; etc.
    Click here to register

      If you would like to hire me to do a sauerkraut or fermentation event for you, please email or call me (four one five, five nine six, seven six one three). I can tailor-make an event to fit your group or occasion.

      These are some of my past public events:


      Terri Rutter said...

      I want to take your class--how do I sign up?

      Alex Lewin said...

      Yay! Click here.

      Joelle said...

      Hey Alex,
      I watched your video on how to make sauerkraut (very helpful, btw), and have started making some. I have a good scale to measure out 2% saline solution, so all that is clear. But I also cook a lot from the Nourishing Traditions book, and wonder if you have a suggestion for how much salt I should use if I'm also using whey. She often has you double the salt in a preserving recipe if you're using whey, but I can't find any "rules" on this.

      Joelle said...

      I meant to say if you're NOT using whey...

      Alex Lewin said...

      Hi Joelle,

      My guidelines are:

      - 2% salt by weight, or
      - 1% salt and 3% whey, by weight

      That's equivalent to

      - 2 teaspoons of salt per lb. of cabbage, or
      - 1t salt and 1T whey per lb. of cabbage.

      These are ratios for the weight of the CABBAGE. I don't typically add water. The cabbage gives off enough juice to cover things. If you are adding water, I recommend using triple that concentrations for the brine: 3t (1T) of salt and 3T of whey per pound (pint) of water, in addition to the salt and whey you are adding for the weight of the cabbage.

      Using a starter can be a good insurance policy if you are making sauerkraut under "adverse" conditions, if the weather is really hot, or if you are experimenting with using as little salt as possible.

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