Monday, January 18, 2010

T.W. Food: Totally Local (this Wednesday)

It's winter. Something is falling out of the sky here in Boston. Is it crushed ice? Grab your cocktail glass! Whatever it is, it freezes solid as soon as it hits the ground, or your windshield, or your dog.

How on earth can anyone eat local food in Boston at this time of year?

Well, I have blogged about the winter farmers' markets and some of the food events that are happening around town…

But here's the easiest way to eat local food:

Go to T.W. Food in Cambridge for their Totally Local dinner on Wednesday night (January 20th).

Most restaurants boasting "local food" give you some local vegetables, or some local meat, or maybe some locally-made pasta or something. T.W. Food goes way beyond this. Not only are all of the meat and vegetables local…but so is the wheat that went into the bread. So are all of the sweeteners (honey, maple syrup, and fruit—no sugar to be seen). So are the cooking fats (butter, for the most part; there are no olive trees in New England).

In other words: Totally Local.

So if you are curious to see what a brilliant chef can do with local ingredients in the dead of winter, now's your chance to find out.

(In the interests of full disclosure, I must reveal that T.W. Food is my favorite restaurant in Boston, and that the food there is awesome.)


Kimberly Anne said...

Sounds like a fantastic chef. Next time you go there, ask him for a recipe for my blog!!

Rachel said...

Hi Alex--

Since I last commented about my struggle to buy raw milk, I've had more luck. Thanks for your referral to Boston Localvores--they're great! I've started a yahoo group where we take turns going to get milk, more like a co-op than a buying club. There are no fees, we just share the task of driving. If you post about this again or if anyone asks you how to buy milk, please feel free to refer them to us, as we are looking for new members.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...
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Alex Lewin said...


Great to hear that you've created a group for getting milk! Congrats. I will definitely point people to you.

I'm already getting the raw milk I need, but would you mind if I joined your group as a spectator? I like to be hear about things.


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