Fermentation Resources

see also here



  • Farmageddon (2011) (DVD) (Instant). Kristin Canty sheds light on egregious over-reaches by regulatory and law enforcement agencies, creating and imposing unreasonable policies at the expense of farmers and private individuals.

  • Food, Inc. (2008) (DVD) (Blu-ray) (Instant). Exposes how modern food production feeds the wallets of food industry hegemons at the expense of ordinary, particularly rural and lower-income, people.

  • Fresh (2009). Some of the problems with our food system, and some of the innovative solutions that people are coming up with.

  • The Future of Food (2004) (DVD) (Instant). Director Deborah Koons Garcia presents a disturbing picture of food technology trends and their impact on society and the environment.

  • The World According to Monsanto (2008). Filmmaker Marie-Monique Robin tells a disturbing story of collusion between industry and government to control food production at its very root: the farm.


  • Cornucopia Institute. Seeking economic justice for the family-scale farming community. They provide a plethora of useful information about food--for instance, an egg-buying guide that goes beyond "free-range", "cage-free", and "organic".

  • Environmental Working Group. A group focused on environmental toxins. Their "Clean 15/Dirty Dozen" shopper's guide is a great outline of which foods are most important to buy organic.

  • Weston A. Price Foundation. A fantastic, fast-growing non-profit foundation dedicated to restoring healthy, nutrient-dense, real food to the human diet. Their website is a treasure trove of information about food, diet, and physiology.

Other Blogs And Websites

  • The Complete Patient: David Gumpert's blog defines the cutting edge of raw milk and food freedom journalism.

  • Feed Me Like You Mean It: My blog, where I talk about fermentation, real food, raw milk, and where it's all leading, with some recipes.

  • The Kombucha Exchange: A great place to find kombucha starters, or to give away your extras.

  • Kombucha Fuel: Annabelle Ho's blog follows her extensive experience brewing kombucha, doing live demonstrations, and documenting other kombucha-related events.

  • The Kombucha Journal: Günther Frank's extensive, multi-lingual site for kombucha information.

  • Real Food Media: A network of first-rate bloggers who provide inspiring and informative recipes, stories, and commentary on the subject of real food.

  • Wild Fermentation: A fantastic "Fermentation Portal", Sandor Katz's companion site for his two modern classics of fermentation, Wild Fermentation and The Art of Fermentation.

Food Producers, Stores, and Schools

  • Amazon.com: They sell most of the stuff you might need for fermenting, including kitchen gear and homebrew equipment. (But consider: small, independent, and especially local shops offer the great advantage of personalized service.)

  • Caldwell Bio Fermentation: A resource for fermentation starters.

  • The Cheese School of San Francisco: A great cheesemaking school in the heart of San Francisco.

  • Filters Fast: Where I have bought my water filtration systems.

  • Giant Microbes: Stuffed animals, but instead of animals they're microbes. Buy one to make sure you don't raise bacteriophobes.

  • The Homebrew Emporium: A great place for brewing-related gear.

  • New England Cheesemaking Supply Company: Ricki Carroll's unique cheesemaking school, and an online resource for cheesemaking supplies.

  • Newpages Boostore Finder: A great resource for finding local, independent bookstores in the US and Canada. Preserve the browsing experience by supporting these shops.

  • Pickl-It: Very reliable fermentation vessels.

  • Taza Chocolate: A cutting-edge, small batch chocolate producer.

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